
The “God Particle” needed to transform a Download community into an Upload Community:

Bilisim Garaj Akademisi (IT Garage Academy) is an online portal supplying coding, web design, 3D design and robotic/electronic design curriculum for children from the ages 7-8, 9-12 and 13-16. On the portal, Turkish youths, starting from 7 years old, learn:

* coding using Scratch or MS Small Basic,

* web design using Notepad,

* 3D design using Sketchup

* robotic / electronic design using various safe electronic materials,

* and entrepreneurship through IT.


The slogan of the platform is “From a Download Society to an Upload Society.” This motto aims to attract Turkish people’s attention to an important problem. Turkey is one of the top countries using social media and mobile internet. For example, Turkish people are among the top Facebook users. On the other hand, Turkish people produce ICT technology much less than they consume. To illustrate, applications produced for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet PCs have the market volume of 65 billion US$ around the world. Turkey’s contribution to this market volume is smaller than 0.5%! Another example is that Turkey’s annual ICT market volume is 36 billion US$. In this volume, high technology production including hardware, software or embedded technology is smaller than 1%. The volume of the ICT market in Turkey is formed by mostly communication technologies such as GSM operators and internet service suppliers.

a view from web portal The youth is devoid of the skills required to produce with IT, because the education system doesn’t equip the new generations with the skills such as coding, web design or robotic design especially at primary and secondary levels. Gaining productive IT skills is postponed until university years. In the country, the general perception is that computer literacy is equal to computer use. However, computer use is a much broader concept covering computer literacy. In this information age, proper use of IT in education helps students to gain 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking, scientific thinking, collaboration with others especially in a problem based learning environment.



To change this perception and increase the awareness of the concept of computational thinking, Dr. Selçuk Özdemir started the portal 18 months ago in Turkey. Now, more than 40 training centres and more than 10 primary/secondary private schools use his curriculum.

The curriculum used in has two dimensions. The first dimension (called Package 1) aims to present kids with their first threshold experience. With the modules in the Package 1, the kids realise that they can program computers, design web sites, 3d models and robots/electronic devices. In the first year in Package 1, the kids learn all of the four subjects separately. The priority in the first year is to show the kids who is the boss, because the students realise that they can tell computers what to do.

the kid boss







In the second year, the whole curriculum runs around an entrepreneurship problem. In Package 2, the students develop solutions for a given main and sub-problems using coding, web design, 3d design and robotic design and programming. The entrepreneurship problem helps students utilize all technologies to produce many related solutions for a real life problem. Utilising this holistic approach, in addition to advanced IT skills, the students have the opportunity to gain entrepreneurial competences defined by European Union. These entrepreneurial competences are classified as knowledge, skills and attitude. The students learn about “being initiative user”, “self-confidence”, “thinking on what new things can be developed”, “being optimistic”, “leadership”, “marketing”, “collaboration”, “the importance of being critical and creative”, “the concept of supply and demand”, “concept of cost-benefit” and “the importance of patents”.

Starting from this October, the students will gain more than 50 entrepreneurial competences whilst they develop a solution for the problem of energy. The students will be informed that energy resources come to an end and the world needs new and clean energy resources for especially transportation. In four modules of the Package 2, a student’s task is to:

* design a 3d model of an electric car which consumes solar energy (3D design module of the curriculum),

* calculate the cost of the production process of the solar energy car and protecting the confidential information (Coding module of the curriculum),

* produce and program a solar energy robotic car using real electronic circuit components (Robotic design module of the curriculum),

* promote and market the solar energy robotic car (Web design module of the curriculum).


Bilişim Garaj Akademisi has a very simple and running methodology:

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Curiosity is core to the Bilişim Garaj Akademisi curriculum. Edgar Morin emphasizes that without curiosity, learning doesn’t take place. In each module, the students are presented a concrete task to complete. The students create a new production in each hour of each module. Being able to create new things helps children to develop their self-esteem. Finally, children love demonstrating to others what they can perform or produce. In accordance with our motto “from a download society to an upload society”, the students can upload their own works to the “Project Gallery” module of the portal so that others can download and examine.


Coding, in general producing with IT, is the “lingua franca” of the new age. In the future, all professions will need to do something which cannot be done by computerised machines. The new generations have to be equipped with productive IT skills before their university years. Thus, they will be aware what computers can do or cannot do. This awareness will help them to see the innovation opportunities in their professional field.

Bilişim Garaj Akademisi aims to be an international portal. The entire curriculum is being translated into English and the English content will be published via an English domain name.

Best regards,

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Selçuk Özdemir

The Founder of Bilişim Garaj Akademisi



by Yasemin Allsop

Recently I read many articles on the internet blaming technology for children’s lack of language skills. I can’t say I am surprised. I agree that technology is changing the way we use language. I am sure that you have spent time trying to understand your child’s text messages. I certainly did. When I receive text messages from my son, I sometimes have to google them or phone and ask him exactly what he meant with all these acronyms and abbreviations.

Looking at my own teaching practice, I have used wikis, blogs, animations, films, podcasting, web design, game making and many other technology tools to teach over the years. Each one of these mediums offers great opportunities for children to develop their language skills. I remember when our Year 5 students wrote their own children’s rights raps and recorded them using their backing music. They didn’t just create their songs, they spent a long time discussing their ideas before deciding. I also remember our web design activities. Where children had to create their own content and use html to design websites to present their work. The amount of reading and writing they had to do and not even one complained.

So what is the problem here? Are we still thinking of technology as a magical wand designed specifically to solve our long standing issues in education. We need to abandon this idea by now as technology never had such a claim. Technology appeared in our classroom as a teaching tool used by teachers, remember our IWBs, then it swiftly changed position and became a learning tool in the hands of our learners. I believe this was more confusing for us than the learners. Our learners quickly adapted into their new role. But us teachers we are still thinking about where we fit into this scene. If the learners are holding the tool, what are we going to hold? How are we going to teach? Do we need to teach? Do they need us? Are they listening? Are they learning? How do I manage the classroom now? We all go through these endless worries. I think the reason for this confusion is that we don’t exactly understand how children learn with these new technologies and we haven’t got the time to find out about it. So, why not blame the technology?

Once one of my tutors told me that a pencil is also a technology. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, but when I think about it, he was right, a pencil is also a technology tool. You can use it for different purposes; for writing stories, for drawing, for taking notes or mixing your tea which I have done many times. But if your hand writing is not very good, would you blame the pencil for it? Something to think about!

Let’s go back to our conversation about language. For many years language was seen as just a tool for communication. This approach today is still very current and impacts on our pedagogical approach to learning. But I am thinking about my own observations of children learning using technology for the last 10 years. Especially over the last few years where we have focused a lot on computer game design, there is a clear shift in the use and purpose of language. I watched children touching the computer or tablet screen and mumbling when making their own computer games. I observed them planning their work-sometimes aloud when creating their own world in Minecraft, or questioning their own decisions when creating websites. What was interesting is that as the task became more complex, the percentage of children’s self-talk activities also increased. It seems to me that they did not use language merely as a tool to communicate, it become a function in their minds. For my learners, language became a function to think with, a function to decide with, a function to regulate their own learning. This is not a new concept either, Vygotsky mentioned private speech in the 1970s. He argued that private speech is form of thinking, problem-solving and self-regulating. All this self-directed talk helps my learners to focus, plan, make decisions, organise. In other words it supports them to process tasks using their cognitive resources.

Another issue is that we don’t seem to grasp how new technologies impact on our learning behaviours. Look at the image below, does it look familiar to you? Probably not. This is a travelling library for people in Turkey during the 1940’s. It was aimed to help those living in rural areas to have an opportunity to read. I recently found out about this and I am so fascinated by the idea. I am not familiar with it as I was brought up in a city, not that I have been to the library. I didn’t even know what it meant. But my friends have seen these government librarians travelling from village to village on a donkey. What kind of learning habits would they have developed when they accessed knowledge through this way? What would they do with what they had learned from the book. Have a discussion? Create things? I don’t know, but today when our learners in their expression ‘can touch their learning’ on their smart phones or tablets, you can imagine they would have completely different learning habits.

library old days

When will we realise that learning is not an outcome, it is a process and the process doesn’t just stop with an end product. Learning is a quest powered by endless adventures spurting out from every corner of one’s mind on the way. It is at the next stage of what learners do with what they have learnt that is remarkable. They use their experience to share, make, or to create something, in other words go on a new learning journey. Look at the videos, podcasts, photos, stories, songs, games shared online by children, young adults and adults. Surely we are not learning in the same way as we did before. So let’s go back to our question ‘Is technology damaging our children’s language development?. My answer is, it depends on which specific technology is used and how. If we focus on how technology shapes our learning habits rather than pointing fingers at technology, we could develop better strategies to support our learners.

But the magical key is to teach people, young or adult, how to learn and love to learn.

by Mila  Bulić and Daniela Novoselić

A modern man of the 21st century should, in addition to traditional language skills, possess a wealth of knowledge, environmental, health, economic, social and computer skills in order to lead a high-quality lifestyle. As our students are a part of a digital society with access to a wide range of information provided using information and communication technology (ICT), it is important to include ICT in the educational process as well. In order to make this possible,  schools should not only have the necessary infrastructure and adequate space, but also computer literate teachers who are able to create diverse teaching scenarios and use ICT in the classroom. In Croatia there are few individual examples of good practice in using e-learning in teaching science, therefore teachers should be made aware of the possibility of using modern technology in class, as well as being additionally educated through professional training.

Moodle and Biology

The e-learning project using the Moodle system (a free web application for on-line learning) began with the development of the digital materials necessary for teaching the Body composition, reproduction and development unit for the 8th grade of elementary school biology classes. Various additional practice materials as well as quizzes designed to test the students’ acquired knowledge were developed to be used after finishing each of the four lessons: Structure and function of sexual organs, Conception and development before birth, Life periods of human life and Responsible sexual behavior. Through Moodle the teacher monitored each of the students’ logins, his or her work on the given lesson, forum and discussions activity and quiz results.

Twenty-four students participated in the e-learning project. They were all eighth-graders attending the Pujanka Elementary School in Split, Croatia. The project was conducted at the beginning of the spring semester, in the school year 2012 – 2013. The 24 selected students made up the experimental group which learnt using the digital materials on Moodle on computers in the school’s IT lab. At the same time, the biology teacher taught the same unit to another group of 24 eighth-graders attending the same school (A control group), using the traditional teaching approaches and various knowledge sources, as well as various teaching methods.

The digital teaching materials on Moodle were arranged in a way to ensure a simple and user friendly interface for the students (Figure 1).

Figure 1. User interface on the Moodle index

Before the e-learning project began, the students had been introduced to the Moodle interface and an e-mail address had been given to them by the biology teacher in case any of the students needed additional help resolving problems or ambiguities. Students also had the opportunity to ask questions on the News Forum available to all users. It was interesting to notice that the students preferred to ask for help individually via e-mail rather than using the forum, which confirms their unwillingness to publicly share their own thoughts, questions and problems.

To ensure that the student’s were independent and given thorough e-learning, the materials were divided into smaller units listed in the Lesson menu, located on the left side of the user interface. The students accessed these units by simply selecting the desired topic. Also, various audiovisual and visual sources, pictures, illustrations, graphs, 3D models, videos and animations were added to the textual materials (Figure 2).

Figure 2. A Moodle page containing educational materials and a video

Various practice materials were available at the end of each lesson. At the end of the unit the students took a quiz that included different types of tasks (Figure 3) such as matching short answers, true/false questions, matching pairs, multiple choice, embedded answers, short answers and calculation tasks.

As the objective of this project was to determine the efficiency of e-learning compared to traditional teaching, at the end of the Body composition, reproduction and development unit the acquired knowledge was tested both in the control group, taught in a traditional classroom, as well as in the experimental group, taught through e-learning. The results of the test were compared and all students were surveyed about the learning methods they used.

The survey shows that students are satisfied and have positive feelings toward e-learning, as the mean value of 80% of the answers given to statements are above 4,5 showing complete student satisfaction with using e-learning in a biology class. The students pointed out that the textual and visual descriptions were highly helpful during the learning process, but they were also aware of the additional effort needed for successful e-learning. Namely the experimental group’s quiz results were not significantly better than the control groups’ results. However, students’ satisfaction with the learning process itself should certainly be a source of motivation for teachers.

Figure 3. The Moodle quiz page designed to test acquired knowledge

These already designed and implemented e-learning projects should be a motivation for teachers to continue creating digital teaching materials and various digital activities which will ensure that students develop skills allowing them to recognize and solve real life problems concerning health and sustainability.



Mila Bulić (1970.) is a biology and chemistry teacher. She is working at Primary school and  at the Faculty of Philosophy in Split (Croatia), where she works with future teachers  and teach them methods of work in the classroom. She is the author of numerous published scientific papers and school biology and chemistry texbooks for Primary school and Gymnasium. Her  interest areas are sustainable development, health and e-learning.


Daniela Novoselić (1964.) is a biology and chemistry teacher with over  15 years of experience working in schools. She has taught in middle schools, high schools and universities, including the department of biology at the Faculty of science in Osijek (Croatia), and is the author of numerous published scientific papers. She currently works as the author and editor of school biology and chemistry texbooks for a Croatian publishing house, Alfa dd., in Zagreb. Through her work she aims to better the teaching strategies used in Croatian schools.


by Maggie Morrissey

Throughout my teaching career I have enjoyed using technology in education, especially in science lessons. As an ICT coordinator I introduced teachers, teaching assistants and children to a variety of digital resources such as: data loggers, digital microscopes and simulations to help support the teaching of science.

As an independent primary consultant I now provide training for primary teachers on how to develop their teaching of science. During each course I ask teachers to outline the positives or negatives of teaching this subject. There are often many positive comments about science especially on how it engages young children. The negatives prove very interesting. Other than worries about subject knowledge and finding resources, teachers often say how much they and the children dislike the recording or writing up of their work. Here are two typical comments:

‘The poor way in which experiments and results are recorded, kills enthusiasm’

‘Marking books and having to give written feedback takes too long but it’s our OFSTED target’

I believe this over reliance on writing hinders not just the enjoyment of the subject but also the development of other science skills such as argumentation. Furthermore, what about dyslexic children who struggle with writing?Will the writing process truly reflect what these children know? Finally, remember our younger scientists, whose recording skills will be hampered by their age.

Talk in Science

Talk for writing is becoming increasingly popular in schools so what about talk for science? Teachers are often encouraged to illicit children’s ideas at the start of a science topic to find out what misconceptions or understanding they have, but what happens to this talk? As Robin Alexander points out:

‘Talk is temporary and unless particularly interesting, it soon fades with participants often forgetting what has been said.’ 

In a busy classroom with lots of ideas and thoughts being produced, how can the teacher and even the children reflect on the discussion? During this process, do we as teachers really know what each child understands? In addition, what impact is our questioning having on the children’s ideas? As part of my MA I am researching how technology can help. Here are some initial ideas.

Video Recording

This can be used both at the start of a topic and as the topic develops. Placing the video camera so that it can pick up the whole class; the starter question and initial ideas can be recorded. This recording could be used for the teacher to truly reflect on what the children truly know and identify any misconceptions they may have. It can also be returned to during the work so that the children can reflect on how their ideas and knowledge have changed. This is also a valuable opportunity for a teacher to reflect on their own questioning skills.

Recording devices

There are now a variety of mp3 audio recorders available to be used in classrooms. These are excellent for recording discussions in small groups. They are fairly simple to use and some can record up to four hours of sound. The recordings can be played back and stored on your computer. The main problem is the files can build up quickly so a good system for naming and filing these is essential. Children can go on and edit their work using free software such as audacity and post their discussions into other digital applications.


Podcasts are digital media files mainly audio but can include video. I currently use Audioboo but an alternative is Soundcloud. Subscription to both is free. They give the children the chance for their science work to reach a wider audience. They can post directly to the site or upload their work from their recordings after editing. Needless to say they would still have to write and plan for this. Having a real audience for their work would make that writing process far more interesting and relevant.

Whether you decide to go for some of these options or incorporate all of them I do not think you will be disappointed. Not only will your children become more enthusiastic about their science work but you as a teacher will have a greater understanding of what your children know, making your assessment more reliable.  This is going to be extremely relevant when the new curriculum commences in 2014.

Links and references 

Audacity –




Robin Alexander – Towards Dialogic teaching





by Elliott Plumb


As a newly qualified teacher, it is usually a case of survival to reach the end of the year. Jump four months into the year and I, the NQT, am at the tail end of an extremely exciting and successful computing project. The project was to be a blend of my Computing Co-ordinator’s knowledge of gaming and my knowledge of local history. ‘Forty Hall’, a local landmark, was ripe for the picking when deciding on a building to develop on the Minecraft program. Having just opened as an educational centre, the Hall welcomed us with open arms.

At the beginning I was unsure of the benefits but this project has come to reveal the extensive range of learning opportunities that Minecraft has to offer to children in schools today.

The Children’s Prior Knowledge

The children’s passion for the Minecraft project was nothing short of overwhelming. If the children did not play it at home already, they had heard their classmates talking or reading about it. Interestingly, there was a huge amount of prior knowledge amongst my class when it came to Minecraft. This is where any teacher afraid to take on such a task could develop a pupil-led project that would allow the teacher to learn-as-they-go.

Even so, what became clear was that although there was some strong prior knowledge, some children had no experience using the game. The initial lesson, where I allowed the children to explore the Minecraft program gave me the opportunity to assess those who were confident and those who needed scaffolding. I then grouped the children according to experience and knowledge of the program. Each group had a confident learning leader who could lead and keep their group focused. This helped to keep the learning as pupil-led as possible.


The Learning Journey

Part 1: The History curriculum in England demands that children study a local landmark. We visited Forty Hall to engage closely with the history and the structure of the house. I divided the children into four differentiated groups. These groups gathered resources that would enable them to build on Minecraft later on. The children were able to sketch, use measuring instruments and take photographs to build up a bank of evidence and tools that they could use when it came building on Minecraft. By collecting their own resources, children could take ownership of their learning. Higher ability children were required to calculate ratios and make links with their mathematics skills. This is one of many ways in which the project was cross-curricular.

Part 2: After visiting the hall, the children had a strong knowledge of Forty Hall and had access to a host of tools and resources that they had collected themselves. In the second phase of the project, children were able to collaborate in their groups to decide which resources they would keep to help assist them when it came to build all the particular details. The learning leaders then had to organise which task each child would take during the project. The groups then mind-mapped a plan and this saw each child take ownership of a section of the build. The children were then ready to begin!

Part 3: This section of the learning saw the most progress with the majority of the successes of the project becoming clear at this point. Closing all the gaps in the children’s learning and addressing misconceptions was aided significantly by using a three-part lesson structure.

The lesson Structure

The lessons were taught in three parts. A refocus at the beginning of each lesson encouraged the children to collaborate and verbalise their task for that lesson. Children would then spend up to an hour building and collaborating with their group, making sure they utilised the chat function to talk to and guide each other. Learning leaders would assess situations that would arise and problem solve accordingly. As the teacher, I could assess all children in the game from a computer and offer encouragement and advice if they desperately needed it. Fundamentally, as it was a pupil-led project, I would be looking for great collaboration and effective problem solving from the learning leaders and the class members. Having a ‘revisit, review and improve’ session after each computing lesson gave the children some time to discuss the successes in that lesson but it also gave them the opportunity to draw up where they were going next in their project. This was written up on a poster and kept to be put on display in the next lesson. Children were constantly reminded that they had to refer to this to move forward with the project.


Learning and Progress

After just two months engagement with the project, the children have had the opportunity to develop, practice and apply significant learning and skills that stretch beyond Computing. In the beginning, the learning leaders were the trouble-shooters, the strong self-reflectors and would guide the project to the next stages. After approximately six to eight lessons, I was beginning to see more children take on the responsibility of problem solving for other members of the class. In addition, encouraging children to use the chat function on Minecraft would be a target in the initial lessons. As the project matured, the children naturally collaborated through the chat and would offer each other advice, problem solve issues and revise their construction work together to make sure they were achieving an accurate replica of Forty Hall.

As a result of Minecraft, the children have had the chance to practice and develop their ability to become supportive and helpful collaborators, successful problem solvers. At the same time, they have been given the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning. The Mincecraft project has given the children a chance to develop skills which, with continual practice, will allow them to become life-long learners. Fundamentally, the children can apply these skills in not only Computing but within all subjects across the curriculum.

Eliot Plumb is a Year 5 teacher at Wilbury School in Edmonton. He graduated in Education from the University of Cambridge in 2013 and enjoys inspiring children through teaching Computing, Dance and History.


How can teachers ensure that their investment in games based learning (GBL) delivers desired learning outcomes? This article looks at five aspects of GBL that ought to be considered when introducing GBL into the classroom. These five aspects are: design, delivery (usage), technology & support, outcomes and cost.

Design considerations (GBL needs to be fit for purpose):

Is the game fit for purpose offering a relevant context and activities?

Is the game pitched right in terms of complexity and age level?

Does the game support multiple learning styles?

Delivery considerations (GBL needs to work in typical educational setting):

Is the game focused on learning supporting collaboration, conversations and teacher-led interventions and scaffolding?

Does the game provide a challenge that generates learning flow?

Can the game fit into a standard lesson, but also be used for events / term topics?

Technology and support considerations (GBL need to utilise typical kit and offer support):

Will the game work on classroom computers?

Is support provided in the game and via communities / guides / resources?

Outcome considerations (GBL need to reach the parts traditional teaching doesn’t):

Will the game engage the pupils, including reluctant learners?

Will the game solve problems that traditional learning finds difficult?

Is the game linked to the curriculum and does it support assessment?

Will the game improve generic and employability skills?

Cost considerations:

Is there enough money in the budget, not forgetting hidden costs such as consoles and multiple licences?

Does the game offer value for money?

Any particular games based learning product or lesson does not need to answer all of the above questions and it is important to realise that the aspects are not mutually exclusive; for instance, a well-designed game is more likely to deliver better outcomes. Therefore, scoring reasonably well across the board is more important than excelling in one area.

A Games Based Learning Analysis and Planning Tool (which expands on and makes use of the five aspects outlined above) can be found at The tool has been developed by pixelfountain / games-ED who’s  experience has been built up over a decade of designing and delivering serious games / games based learning in both the adult and education sectors. The tool also takes, some inspiration has come from:

  • Becta report (2010) on games based learning;
  • The RETAIN Model – Gunter; Kenny and Vick (2007);
  • And finally a debt is owed to Jan Herrington and Ron Oliver, who have written on situated learning and multimedia, and have inspired games and simulation designs.

The Games Based Learning Analysis and Planning Tool has been developed by games-ED to help educators select and utilise games based learning. It can be used to:

  • Create buy-in for games based learning;
  • Help when choosing a particular supplier / product;
  • Plan the use of games learning;
  • And, if we can be so bold, to help developers design games based learning.


Like all aspects of education, GBL needs careful planning. This tool will hopefully bring some rigour to that planning and so ensure the GBL can deliver on its promises.

by Vivian Lu,

Student at Concordia International School Shanghai

As a child, I have been nagged time and time again from both parents and teachers alike claiming that games were a waste of time, money, and effort. My mother would often bat a controller from my hands and say I was “going to get addicted, go clean your room instead, why didn’t you do the dishes, you never do anything for me,” etc. Gaming horror stories were common and silly; some parents would gossip that gaming could turn a child into a hobo-parasite, forced into living in their basement. Personally, gaming was a loved pastime for my brother and me, and fortunately, a new trend of acceptance has arisen, which has ushered in the era of gaming as a medium for education. The concept of “Educational games” has gotten more and more popular, as parents and gamers have now finally found a way to resolve the long-lasting conflict between the gaming community and the “responsible ones”.

I was initially against the idea of using games in education. How could “education” be “played”? Growing up in an Asian family, I have constantly been under the stress of “doing well in school”. Playing games was my only escape from the day-long stresses of existence and the obsolete nature of our species. Now games are going to be contaminated with forced attempts at education? Laaaame! The words “Fun” and “Learning” seemed incompatible and did not fit in the same sentence.

Recently, however, I have come to the conclusion that gaming can be used for education, and very effectively so. However, it must firstly be a good, enjoyable game. Some educational games have been quite successful because they are a joy to play and experience. However, placing a game into a classroom setting can instantly change its connotation. It is therefore important that games are introduced and presented in a classroom in a careful and sensitive manner.

What makes a truly successful game? 

While some of the multiplayer/competitive games could be enjoyable to play, in my opinion as a gamer, a truly “successful” game should have a polished plot, a relatable or likeable protagonist, and an effective method to engage further playing. Some of my favorites are The Legend of Zelda and Portal. The Legend of Zelda has a remarkable plot and an admirable protagonist named “Link”.

Link has been canonically depicted as a young child, a teenager, and an adult in different games, so he is relatable to players of most ages. The plot is generally the same, with variations in each game. Link goes on a quest, encountering thousands of enemies and bosses, exploring several temples, and discovering new places and people, to defeat Ganondorf, gaining glory and upgrades along the way. The gameplay and plot is so enjoyable, and many players are fond of the series from their childhood days, which provides ample motivation for finishing the game.

Portal is essentially a problem solving game, blurring the line between education and logic training. Here, the player’s character is Chel, who is a research subject for the abandoned Aperture Science labs He has been trapped there by the robot GLaDOS, who still runs it. GLaDOS forces Chel to undergo a series of potentially fatal tests using technologies developed by Aperture, which uses increasingly difficult puzzles that must be solved before the player can move on to the next level. Ever-increasing levels further the journeying experience, as explained by James Paul Gee, “Good games operate at the outer and growing edge of a player’s competence, remaining challenging, but do-able, while schools often operate at the lowest common denominator. Since games are often challenging, but do-able, they are often also pleasantly frustrating, which is a very motivating state for human beings” (Gee 2). The satisfaction of completing a difficult level, in addition to the incredibly amusing interactions between GLaDOS and the player, keeps the player playing and looking for a way to defeat GLaDOS and escape the laboratories.

In summary, good games utilize a relatable protagonist, who can feasibly “win” or achieve a goal, an engaging plot, and a motivation for continued play. They also motivate the player by setting the games at the “challenging but do-able” level. This gamification strategy should work well in classrooms. Through games, players can learn a variety of new skills, such as critical thinking, strategic thinking, and creativity. Almost every successful staple of game playing helps to craft a better player in some way, be it critical thinking, reflexes, rhythm, health, etc. In fact, Portal has been used in the classroom to teach spatial reasoning. The level creator mode is a good way for students to enrich their understanding by creating puzzles themselves, rather than merely solving them.

What makes a good educational game?

“Games and interactive software can help pupils acquire complicated skills and rigorous knowledge in an engaging and enjoyable way Britain has an incredibly strong games industry, with vast potential to engage with education both in this country and all over the world. We’re already seeing these technologies being used in imaginative ways” (Ladley).

If normal games can already teach students important life skills, they should be able to teach kids academic things as well. Contrary to earlier opinions held by teachers and parents that gaming is addictive, a waste of time and money, and an unnecessary distraction for their children, a new perspective has taken hold: that gaming can be used effectively for “formal” education. There have been many attempts to reconcile education and “good gaming experience”, some of which were disastrous, others incredibly enjoyable.

One of my favorite games to play as a child was Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego. This game involved a player working as a rising star agent with various partners to capture a great thief throughout time. It had an incredibly engaging plot with puzzles and characters that made the game “fun”, with the added benefit of all this occurring during the Mongol reign of China or the invention of the first printing press by Johann Gutenberg. After every two levels, the ‘Captain’ would promote the player with a higher rank, and the player could then tackle more challenges to capture all of Carmen Sandiego’s goons. I played this several times, and this game taught brief glimpses of world history that have remained relevant all the way up to high school AP World History. As one can see, this game retained an interesting plot, protagonist, and a motivation factor typical of most likable games, at the same time being educational.

There are many successful educational games, but some games, while educational, do not engage children at all. For example, Brain Age, while it received a lot of attention, was rather ineffective because it required an already existing motivation for improving the brain, and not many kids who bought it (or rather whose parents bought it) enjoyed playing it. Brain Age did not have a protagonist, an effective motivator, or a plot to make the game interesting, making it not very fun to play. Rather, it relied on the player’s own consciousness of health and forced education. What a successful game has, aside from being educational, is that it is engaging and fun by itself, both plot-wise and gameplay-wise, subtly adding information into the story so that it is both relevant and interesting. “If Games Based Learning (GBL) is to succeed, it needs to be more than a bit of fun that motivates students. It should be underpinned with learning theory” (Ladley).

Forced education in any way is irritating and bothersome, and this applies to games as well. Games are often made first, and then later repurposed for education, such as the famous Minecraft PC game. Building on what is already a successful game or franchise has helped many corporations stay afloat, and teachers have made excellent use of such games in their lessons. Education cannot detract from the game itself, and some teachers follow these guidelines in the games they incorporate, such as using Minecraft in teaching construction and geometry (Levin). Essentially, games must first be concerned with being fun, before being educational.

How should games be used for educational purposes?

Discovering how educational games should be used in education is one of the first steps toward modernized, interactive education. First, there are key “game metrics” to enforce, such as making sure there is an attractive beginning and maintains the motivation for continued use of the game as a resource.

“Motivation is the most important factor that drives learning. When motivation dies, learning dies and playing stops.” (Gee 3). Simply supplying a game is not going to keep students motivated for very long. We need to move “toward a more nuanced understanding of exactly what in game play is motivating in order to best understand how to engender such engagement in the classroom” (Sandford 52). Based on my own experience, motivation is affected greatly by enforcement, connections based on interest, and relevance.

The enforcement and introduction of the game will help students solidify their first impressions of the activity. Sufficient time should be allowed for both teacher and students to become familiar with the game. The introduction should be clear and explain to how the game is related to what is being learned. For example, it would be more effective to students of my age group (age 15) to explore a game with the teacher during class time, rather than it being assigned as homework. If I was not introduced to the game during class, I would be less receptive to it as homework assignment.

Another way to maintain interest is to connect students’ lives with the content of one’s classes through games, by relating the topic to something already familiar to them. Personally, if what I’m learning does not interest me, then I will pay less attention to it. Connections from outside the gaming universe and the classroom help to reinforce what is being learned and, especially in the more eager youth, make them more enthusiastic and open to learning. For example, the difference between depictions of mythology in popular media, such as Marvel Superheroes, and the actual stories in myths can be an interest factor.

Popular culture and common interests have always been a good conversation starter, and in the way interests connect people, it can also connect learning and fun. If the content of the game directly relates or is closely related to knowledge learned in class, it will be help students by reinforcing their knowledge and interest in class as well. The game should be related to the content of the unit, not just the content of an activity in the unit. This not only ensures that students will pay attention, but it also helps them understand the course better if they are given multiple, yet differing, instances for learning a particular event or subject. Encouraging reflection and review at the end of class will solidify what was learned from the game. Most of all, it is important to practice understanding when challenges arise, be they technological or carbon-based. If the class does not turn out well, it is important to figure out why it was unsuccessful, as well as test out the technological side of things before incorporating it into class. Practice makes perfect.

To have a high quality educational game, it must be a high quality game by itself, and the learning must be a part of the fun, instead of noticeable and forced, with a meaningful and motivational plot and characters. To use educational games in the classroom, one must give a positive first impression and motivation for students to continue using the game as a resource. This process of integrating interactive entertainment in education is undoubtedly confusing and complex. In the simplest terms, it is impossible to predict the wants of the human mind, and “success” is an entirely subjective measurement for a subject that utilizes so much guesswork. Regardless, it is my hope that learning can be made into a more creative rather than standardized activity, a more enjoyable pastime rather than a chore, and more interactive rather than passive operation. I believe the application of educational games is the first step to fulfilling that role, and it is certainly possible given the right amount of care.

Works Cited:

Gee, James Paul. What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy. New York, NY [u.a.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Print.

Ladley, Paul. “Games Based Learning Theory and Practice.” ICT in Practice 1 Oct. 2013: n. pag. Print.

Sandford, Richard, Mary Ulicsak, Keri Facer, and Tim Rudd. “Teaching with Games Using Commercial Off-the-Shelf Computer Games in Formal Education.” Diss. N.d. Future Lab (n.d.): 1-62. Teaching With Games. EA, Future Labs. Web. 04 Jan. 2014.

Levin, Joel. “How my Minecraft Classes Work.” Minecraft Teacher. Minecraft Edu, 24 Mar 2012. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. <>.

by Taryn Hauritz

The new computing programme of study states that “A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world”.  Wow!  This is pretty exciting stuff. But, if you’re anything like me and don’t have a background in computer science, where on earth do you begin?

Earlier this year I started to write a new computing curriculum for a family of prep schools in London. Having taught ICT there for ten years, I thought that this would be a fairly straight forward process and I was excited about the possibilities.  But, after several weeks of researching and studying, I found myself going round in circles.  It was almost like there was too much information, but somehow not exactly what I was looking for.

After attending the BETT show in January, I realised that I wasn’t on my own.  There was support out there and I just needed to be proactive about it.  So, after several years of resistance I finally decided to join twitter.  I started to build a network of experts and teachers from primary education in the UK and beyond and I was blown away with how many amazing resources and ideas were being shared there.

I finally I felt as though I had my finger on the pulse and was slightly embarrassed that it had taken me that long to join.  If you’re new to twitter and are grappling with the new computing curriculum, I can highly recommend following these people as a starting point:

@mberry @CompAtSch @deputymitchell @digitalmaverick @computingchamps @DrChips_ @dughall @englandraider @esafetyadviser @ianaddison @lordlangley73 @MissPhilbin @naace @terryfreedman @yallsop @timbuckteeth @bobharrisonset @TimRylands @ZoeRoss19 @mwclarkson @suesentance @CodeBoom @andrewtuson @ICTEvangelist @dan_bowen @eyebeams @pegleggen @DrTomCrick  @syded06 @ukedchat @tonyparkin @tarynhauritz

Alternatively, you could follow my “Computing” list @tarynhauritz where I have them all saved.  There are plenty of guides for new twitter users online, but the best thing to do is to jump in and start playing.  You’ll soon figure it out.  Just don’t give up too soon.

After some extensive networking on twitter, I then attended a number of conferences and Computing At School events.  I have learnt an awful lot about the computing curriculum over the last couple of months and I have to say it’s all pretty exciting. There’s no need to throw out your ICT plans though, because so many of them will still be suitable.  They will just need some “tweaking”.

So that you can adapt your current ICT curriculum for September I have created the following algorithm (see what I’ve done there?) to get you started:

STEP 1:  Read “Computing in the national curriculum: A guide for primary teachers” This guide is priceless.  It explains everything you need to know to get started.

STEP 2:  Download the “Computing Progression Pathways”.  Familiarise yourself with each of the six strands. It’s important to note that primary children are expected to reach the end of the blue strand.

Alternatively, you could download the Progression Pathways divided into three strands: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy:

STEP 3:  Get out your current ICT curriculum and use the strands above to identify any areas of weakness in your current scheme of work.   I actually found it easiest to download the child-friendly version (see step 7) and stick the descriptors on my yearly overview.

STEP 4:  Join Computing At School and use the website to find resources (including CPD) to help you plan any new units of work to “fill in the gaps”.  If you need more time to do this properly, plan to teach these units next summer.

STEP 5:  Adapt the units of work you’d like to keep for the new curriculum by updating your medium term plans with the new Programme of Study and the progression pathways indicators in step 2.  Usually it’s just about adapting the vocabulary and finding the relevant new PoS statements.

STEP 6:  Add Computer Science Unplugged activities to as many of your units of work as possible. They really help encourage computational thinking across the curriculum and are great for kinaesthetic learners.

STEP 7: Download the child-friendly computing progression pathway statements from the CAS website and use them for pupils’ self and peer assessment.  I would also use them for an interactive display so that you and your pupils can reference them regularly.

STEP 8: Design some computing badges for your children to earn for each of the six strands.  An even better idea would be to get your children to design them in class.

My final advice to you is to “Reach Out”. Keep networking and discussing ideas with as many colleagues as possible – a problem shared is a problem halved and together, we really can change the world!

Taryn Hauritz and colleagues working on the new computing curriculum

Meet Lacey, Ruffles and Paws, our puzzle-savvy heroes battling through magic JavaScript planets in the Code Kingdoms.

They’re out to save friends from hordes of evil Glitches that have invaded, luring them into spike-invested volcanoes, navigating perilous traps and coding their way to victory.

But the fun doesn’t stop there – Kids use the coding skills learnt in the game to build their very own planets to challenge mates. Code unleashes creativity in a whole new way, allowing the Code Kingdoms universe to take on a whole life of its own. If your kids aren’t already playing you’re missing out!

I met with co-founders Hugh and Ross who explained more.

“Before we met, Ross and I were teaching programming in our separate ways: Ross was in schools with Intel while I was helping my 8 year old brother learn coding. He was obsessed with Minecraft at the time so I started building a game in a similar style so he could code in a creative environment he truly loved.”

The pair has been meticulous in producing a gender-neutral design that appeals to kids aged 6-13. They code cute animals, pesky Glitches and other interactive objects in levels to make exciting challenges for their friends – all with an intuitive drag-and-drop JavaScript interface that develops with the kids as they get more confident about coding.

Ross and Hugh joined the startup incubator Entrepreneur First, a prestigious programme who last year produced the likes of AdBrain and Prizeo. They teach ‘The Lean Startup’, a methodology for producing tech companies by solving a problem with a product.

The problem Code Kingdoms is solving is the lack of fun and creative coding resources for kids.

“When Ross and I met he took one look at the prototype and jumped into action. He knew this was exactly what children wanted from his time teaching coding. Within a couple weeks we were working together and back in schools testing the first prototype with kids.

In September 2014 coding is being made compulsory in primary schools across the UK – not only is Code Kingdoms free online and the app store but they also produce free curriculum materials for schools.

“We’re now looking to expand in to homes and schools internationally. Coding is something that every kid should know; it’s the most empowering skill in the 21st Century.”

They’ve captured the imagination of kids, parents and teachers across the country.

“I feel we will be stuck with this game for quite some time” Lee, parent of 2

by Coral Allen

Interventions Team Manager

Wilbury Primary School

“It was a good way of sharing my book with my class.” 

We purchased Clicker 6 from Crick Software at the end of 2012 and I introduced it to the rest of the staff during the INSET day in January 2013, with the support of our ICT Co-ordinator. In the year that we have been using the program at the school staff have mainly been using it when working one to one with children or for working with small groups, but some use has been made of the programme in whole class sessions, especially when introducing new topic vocabulary. I have had experience of using the software both with a lowest level Year 3 group and when preparing whole class resources to be used with both key stages.

The comment above was made by one of the children in my Year 3 group. He had excellent ideas verbally, but had a lot of difficulty when organising his ideas on paper. Due to his level of English language acquisition and rigid use of phonics he made a significant number of errors and this made him a reluctant writer.

His stories often jumped from one episode to another with no clear sequence of events and this meant that he would need to go through a number of edits in order to get a cohesive piece of writing. Like many emergent, low level writers he was reluctant to edit his work and so many of his stories remained in an unfinished state and he had never completed a piece of work that he felt confident enough about to share with the rest of his class.

Using one of Clicker 6’s excellent Wizards (Make a Book) I was able to provide the group with a word and picture bank to help them to structure their work and to support their use of the vocabulary that they would need to use. Clicker 6 includes a predictor for the next word in the sentence and has the facility to read the child’s work back to them. This meant that they were easily able to spot their mistakes, often before they had been made. The children felt confident when using the program as their work could be edited easily and the format of writing a book meant that they could write the main events of the story onto each page and then work on one page at a time, rather than having to work on whole story in detail from the beginning. The more able members of their classes were writing chapter stories and so they felt that their pages reflected their class mates’ chapters. Even those children in the group who had never had the confidence to write independently before were willing to try, using the supports that the program offers and with very little support from me.

Here are some of the comments that the children made about their experience of using Clicker 6:

“It is easier to work on my own.” 

“It was easier to go back and correct my mistakes.” 

“It was easier to change things I needed to change.” 

” I felt excited because you get to type. If you write it takes longer than typing because you can put in whole words.” 

“It was good when I showed my book to my class.” 

Their teachers were equally impressed with the results: 

A pupil in my class, who is not a confident writer, was given the opportunity to use Clicker6 to support him in Literacy. Whenever he came back into class he was always excited and wanted to share his experience with his peers. When I asked him if he enjoyed using Clicker6, he said “Yeah, I like if, it helps me write things when I get ideas in my head.”

On one occasion he was able to use the program to read out a Viking adventure, that he had created, to the whole class. He was very competent when using the tools on the program and was extremely proud to show off his hard work to the class. It gave him a real sense of achievement when the other children reacted so positively and were so impressed by his writing.

Overall, since using Clicker6, he has become more confident in any writing activity given and has shown a marked improvement, including in his willingness to write more extended pieces of work.

Annette Lloyd Jones

This is a great program to aid pupils at various levels both with their reading and writing. Those who found the latter laborious and time consuming, including those with English as an additional language, were encouraged to write.

The big plus in using this program is its ability to read back and highlight the words which they have written. Having immediate feedback aids their learning but also gives the teacher the opportunity for assessment.

As one pupil said,

“It helps you to find your mistakes and correct them. It also gives you ideas when you get stuck because a word bank appears at the bottom.” 

Those who used this program really enjoyed it.

Year 3 teachers

The experience that I had with this group of pupils and the effect that working with the program had on them was by no means an isolated event, as these comments from other members of staff show:

Once the initial difficulty of teaching the children how to use Clicker6, whilst only having basic knowledge of the program myself, was overcome it has proved to be an ideal tool for aiding independent writing in SEN children.

Using Clicker6 with a group of the lowest achieving year 3 children meant that quite.a few of the early sessions focused on the secretarial aspects of the program. However once the children understood how to use Clicker6 they quickly became more willing and enthusiastic to write independently. This was especially apparent in the boys in the group. Often they would not want to leave at the end of a session because they had not finished their work.

Being able to have their text read back to them, meant the children could hear spelling mistakes or omissions in their writing. This was also good for pointing out grammatical errors especially as all the children in the group were EAL and had difficulty in hearing mistakes in their spoken language. In later sessions children became more accurate at spelling words that they had routinely misspelt before, constantly hearing a word and seeing how it was spelt definitely helped their spelling. This has helped the children in this group to become more motivated and confident in their own writing ability. They can now use the program efficiently.

Mrs Florette Osbourne-Jervis, 1:1 Clicker 6 

I have recently been introduced to Clicker6 and have been exploring its potential with children who are new to English.

Martin has recently arrived at Wilbury into year 3 and not only is he new to English but he is learning to read and write for the first time. I have used the sentence building element of the program to support him to say and construct simple sentences. As part of our unit of work on animals Martin used the program to compose simple sentences about a chosen animal eg A zebra has stripes. A zebra has four legs. etc. This activity gave him an understanding of word order in English and also an awareness of simple punctuation.

Martin was really engaged and felt a sense of achievement at being able to compose a simple text. The visual model on each page was also very useful and enabled Martin to work independently.

I have also used the program to create simple matching activities which have allowed children to practise new vocabulary and self-check their own answers.

Our ICT co-ordinator has provided some informal Inset on the program and has shown me the extensive free resources that are available, which I will explore further and add to our scheme of work, where appropriate.

I have only just started my own learning journey with Clicker6 but can already see the potential, invaluable support it can offer to EAL learned at an early stage of acquiring English.

Maria Giudice,EAL teacher 

The program even worked with a Year 6 statemented child who had found writing a particularly difficult task. The child loved the fact that it spoke to him. He enjoyed listening over and over and felt that writing was more fun. His support felt that it was good because you can look at different things at different stages of the writing process. She also felt that it was good that the tone of voice changed according to the punctuation.

Another of the templates that has been used in both Key Stage 1 and 2 is Matching. This can be used to match pictures, sounds or words and you can either use those provided or import them from an external source. It has been used in the school to support the introduction of topic vocabulary and works well as an interactive whiteboard activity.

I have only been able to touch on a few of the features of the program and how it can be used to support SEN and EAL pupils in this article, but I feel that one additional feature should be included here.

The program includes access to a wealth of free resources, 1190 to date, and these are regularly updated. They cover a wide range of subjects, not all seen here, and many come at different levels of difficulty. This means that most teachers would be hard pressed to say that they can not make use of the program in some way.

Our next step will be to train more staff to use the resources available and to give them the confidence to create their own.